This conference is devoted to the study of quantum knot homologies
and related invariants. The name of this area of research already
indicates that this is an interdisciplinary topic: such homologies are
of interest to mathematicians (in particular topologists and
representation theorists), while quantum phenomena have in principle
their origin in physics. There are communities of both mathematicians
and physicists who work on these topics from different perspectives,
they use different tools, and sometimes the same tools but described in
different languages. The main aim of the conference is to bring
researchers from those two communities together, establish a common
language and explain important results to each other, summarize the
status of the field, and specify goals and set a common program for
future research.
Gukov, California
Institute of Technology
Khovanov, Columbia
Lobb, Durham University
Sułkowski, University of
Deadline to
apply: December 15,
Announcement at the Aspen Center for Physics website
through the Aspen Center for Physics
Special events
March 4 (Sunday), Aspen Center for
Physics, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
café and public lecture
March 7 (Wednesday), Wheeler Opera House
4:30 pm – Physics Café, 5:30 pm – Public Lecture
March 8 (Thursday), Meadows Resort, 7:00 pm
17:00-19:00 – Welcome reception
MONDAY, March 5
8:30-9:10 – Scott Morrison, "Functoriality in S^3, and 4-d skein
9:10-9:50 – David Rose, "Annular evaluation and link homology"
9:50-10:20 – Recess
10:20-11:00 – Pavel Putrov, "BPS spectra and 3-manifold invariants"
11:00-16:30 – Mid-day break, lunch, discussions, winter sports
16:30-17:10 – Sarah Rasmussen,
"L-spaces, Dehn surgery, and topology"
17:10-17:50 – Pedro Vaz, "2-Verma modules and the Khovanov-Rozansky
link homologies"
17:50-18:20 – Recess
18:20-19:30 – Special lecture: Philip
Argyres, "Superconformal
field theories and singular geometries"
TUESDAY, March 6
8:30-9:10 – Masahito Yamazaki,
"All-order volume conjecture for
closed 3-manifolds"
9:10-9:50 – John Baldwin, "Khovanov homology, instantons, and the
9:50-10:20 – Recess
10:20-11:00 – Ciprian Manolescu,
"Sheaf-theoretic SL(2,C) Floer
homology of 3-manifolds"
11:00-16:30 – Mid-day break, lunch, discussions, winter sports
16:30-17:10 – Matthew Hogancamp, "Curved complexes, Khovanov-Rozansky
homology, and Hilbert schemes"
17:10-17:50 – Andrea Brini, "3-manifold and knot invariants from
mirror symmetry"
17:50-18:20 – Recess
18:20-19:30 – Special lecture: Robion
Kirby, "Trisections"
8:30-9:10 – Paul Wedrich, "Knots and quivers, HOMFLY-PT and DT"
9:10-9:50 – Du Pei, "2d TQFTs labeled by 3-manifolds"
9:50-10:20 – Recess
10:20-11:00 – Lukas Lewark, "Upsilon-like invariants from
Khovanov-Rozansky sl(n) homologies"
11:00-16:30 – Mid-day break, lunch, discussions, winter sports
16:30-17:30 – Physics café: Sarah
Rasmussen and Piotr Kucharski
(at the
Wheeler Opera House)
17:30-18:30 – Public lecture: Louis
Kauffman, "Physical knots"
(at the Wheeler Opera
8:30-9:10 – Kevin Walker, "Khovanov homology, 4+\epsilon-dimensional
TQFTs, and genus bounds"
9:10-9:50 – Ramadevi Pichai,
"Methods for computing colored
HOMFLY-PT for arborescent and
non-arborescent knots"
9:50-10:20 – Recess
10:20-11:00 – Aaron Lauda, "Towards a quantum construction of
Alexander categorifications and related spectral sequences"
11:00-12:10 – Special lecture: Michael
Freedman, "Playing
with locality"
12:10-19:00 – Mid-day break, lunch, discussions, winter sports
19:00 – Conference banquet (at
the Meadows Resort)
FRIDAY, March 9
8:30-9:10 – Matthew Stoffregen,
"An odd Khovanov stable homotopy type"
9:10-9:50 – Ingmar Saberi, "Spectral sequences in and around physics"
9:50-10:20 – Recess
10:20-11:00 – Raphael Rouquier,
"Heegaard-Floer theory and higher
representation theory"
11:00-16:30 – Mid-day break, lunch, discussions, winter sports
16:30-17:10 – Józef Przytycki,
"From distributive to Yang-Baxter
17:10-17:50 – Dan Freed, "The two-dimensional Ising model revisited"
17:50-18:20 – Recess
18:20-19:30 – Special lecture: Louis Kauffman, "From the bracket polynomial to Khovanov
SATURDAY, March 10
Informal discussions, winter sports
(Some) Abstracts
Freedman, "Playing
with locality"
Abstract: Electromagnetism is a long ranged force but in
condensed matter screening makes "locality" of interactions a
reasonable assumption. Topology is (by definition) the study of
locality, so it is natural to attempt to move ideas back and forth
between topology and condensed matter. I will talk about moving Kirby's
"torus trick" into physics (pioneered by Hastings) and moving
Floquet physics and the GNVW index into topology. This is very much
work in progress and comments, corrections, and fresh ideas are most
Matthew Hogancamp, "Curved complexes, Khovanov-Rozansky
homology, and Hilbert schemes"
Abstract: I will discuss recent joint work with Eugene Gorsky in which
we construct a deformation (which we dub ``y-ification’') of the triply
graded Khovanov-Rozansky link homology. Our invariant is essentially an
equivariant HOMFLY-PT version of the Batson-Seed deformation of
Khovanov-Rozansky homology and has analogous link splitting properties.
Astonishingly, y-ification appears to restore the missing q—>
tq^{-1} symmetry of Khovanov-Rozansky homology for links, though this
remains conjecture. I will spend some time discussing our main
result, which relates KR homology (both y-ified and the original) to
the Hilbert scheme of points in C^2. This is a first step toward
a proof of the conjectures of Gorsky-Neguţ-Rasmussen.
Louis Kauffman, "From the bracket polynomial to Khovanov
Abstract: This talk will be a self-contained introduction to the
bracket state sum model for the Jones polynomial and how its structure
(in the hands of Michail Khovanov) leads to the construction of
Khovanov Homology for knots and links. We will discuss how these
constructions extend to virtual knots and links and relationships with
simplicial theory.
Louis Kauffman, "Physical knots"
Abstract: This talk is an exploration, using visual ideas, of
the role of knots in natural science and mathematics. We will begin
with knots and DNA and the production of knots in DNA recombination.
Then we will show a movie of knotted vortices in water (courtesy of the
work of William Irvine at the University of Chicago). Irvine and his
group accomplished a feat that is the equivalent of blowing a knotted
smoke ring. We discuss the possibility of knotted gluon fields in
relation to the complexity of knots measured by rope length. We discuss
the possibility of framed braids as a basis for elementary particles.
And, we discuss the remarkable relationships among statistical
mechanics, quantum field theory and the construction of invariants of
knots, links and three-manifolds.
Aaron Lauda, "Towards a quantum construction of
Alexander categorifications and related spectral sequences"
Abstract: Odd Khovanov homology was discovered by Ozsvath,
Rasmussen, Szabo in attempt to find an integral version of a spectral
sequence defined over Z/2 from even Khovanov homology to the
Heegaard-Floer homology of a branched double cover. Ellis,
Khovanov, and I initiated the study of odd categorified quantum groups
in attempt to provide a representation theoretic explanation for odd
Khovanov homology. This connection has yet to be realized.
However, in this talk we will provide further evidence to support this
connection by explaining recent work with Ilknur Egilmez that equips
the odd categorification of sl(2) with the structure of a differential
graded super 2-category. Using ideas of Qi You, we show that the
Grothendieck ring of this super DG 2-category gives rise to a
categorification of sl(2) at a fourth root of unity as well as a
categorification over the integers of an algebra closely connected with
gl(1|1) (depending on how the super grading is treated in K_0). Since
relatives of the Alexander polynomial can be formulated as quantum
invariants associated to the quantum supergroup gl(1|1), or the quantum
group sl(2) at a fourth root of unity, it is tempting to
speculate that differentials on odd categorified quantum groups may
illuminate the relationship between odd Khovanov homology and
Heegaard-Floer theory.
Raphael Rouquier,
"Heegaard-Floer theory and higher
representation theory"
Abstract: I will discuss a program with Andy Manion towards
reinterpreting Heegaard-Floer constructions of Ozsvath-Szabo,
Lipshitz-Ozsvath-Thurston, Douglas-Manolescu and others as
2-representations of gl(1|1).
Click on the image below to get a PDF file of the poster:

Spacetime details
Dates &
Time: March 4-10, 2018
Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen, USA
- Argyres, Philip (University of Cincinnati)
- Baldwin, John (Boston College)
- Belfiore, Laurence A. (Colorado State University)
- Brini, Andrea (Imperial College London)
- Chun, Sungbong (California Institute of Technology)
- Clingempeel, Joel (Rutgers University)
- Dedushenko, Mykola (California Institute of Technology)
- Ferrari, Francesca (University of Amsterdam)
- Francis, John (Northwestern University)
- Freed, Daniel (University of Texas at Austin)
- Freedman, Michael (Microsoft Research)
- Fuji, Hiroyuki (Kagawa University)
- Gang, Dongmin (Seoul National University)
- Grigsby, Julia (Boston College)
- Gu, Jie (Ecole Normale Superieure)
- Gukov, Sergei (California Institute of Technology)
- Harrison, Sarah (McGill University)
- Hedden, Matthew (Michigan State University)
- Hogancamp, Matthew (University of Southern California)
- Kauffman, Louis H. (University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Khovanov, Mikhail (Columbia University)
- Kirby Robion (University of California, Berkeley)
- Klug, Michael (University of California, Berkeley)
- Kucharski, Piotr (Uppsala University)
- Lauda, Aaron (University of Southern California)
- Lewark, Lukas (University of Bern)
- Lobb, Andrew (Durham University)
- Longhi, Pietro (Uppsala University)
- Manion Andrew (University of California Los Angeles)
- Manolescu Ciprian (UCLA)
- Morrison, Scott (Australian National University)
- Nawata, Satoshi (Fudan University)
- Paquette, Natalie (California Institute of Technology)
- Pei, Du (California Institute of Technology)
- Pichai, Ramadevi (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay)
- Przytycki, Józef H. (George Washington University)
- Putrov, Pavel (Institute for Advanced Study)
- Rasmussen, Sarah Dean (University of Cambridge)
- Roggenkamp, Daniel (University of Mannheim)
- Romo, Mauricio (IAS, Princeton)
- Rose, David (University of North Carolina)
- Rouquier, Raphael (University of California Los Angeles)
- Saberi, Ingmar (University of Heidelberg)
- Sarkar, Sucharit (University of California Los Angeles)
- Stoffregen, Matthew (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Sułkowski, Piotr (University of Warsaw)
- Sun, Haoyu (University of California Berkeley)
- Tripathy, Arnav (Harvard University)
- Vaz, Pedro (Universite Catholique de Louvain)
- Walker, Kevin (Microsoft Station Q)
- Watson, Liam (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Wedrich, Paul (The Australian National University)
- Yamazaki, Masahito (University of Tokyo)
- Ye, Weicheng (Stony Brook University)